I’m at the point in my Steam games library where I can’t remember why I have some games - that’s the case for this one. Maybe I’m just a a sucker for meganekko. Actually, I think it was because I came across this funny Youtube video and decided to see what else the creator had done.
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I’ve finished OMORI recently and enjoyed it a lot. The story and narrative are well developed, and some moments were truly moving. Be wary that it’s a beautiful but also particularly dark and heavy story about the struggle against depression and traumas that can be very real.
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Dweller’s Empty Path is a very short (2-3 hours long) and lighthearted game, but has its contemplative and touching moments too. It is a retro-styled, character-driven, exploration-based RPG Maker game, as we follow protagonist Yoki on a day of her life, trying to clear her mind and get a good night of sleep after waking up from a strange nightmare.
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Em um futuro próximo, existe uma cidade distópica onde grandes corporações dominam o governo, e a população, oprimida, luta para sobreviver a cada dia. Nessa cidade há um pequeno bar chamado VA-11 Hall-A, apelidado Valhalla, que é visitado por pessoas que buscam uma bebida, um pouco de alento e, talvez, uma conversa amiga.
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