What a Wonderful World! What a Wonderful World! Brazilian edition cover My first contact with manga author Inio Asano was in the Sol Bookstore ⤴ in the ethnic Liberdade neighborhood ⤴ of São Paulo. I was just browsing random manga and the cover of What a Wonderful World!
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After getting this as a gift from a cousin on Christmas of 2023 (so more than a year ago 😬), I’ve finally decided to play it. There was a lot of buzz and hype for this game, so I was excited to try it. In a nutshell, Sea of Stars is a traditional turn-based JRPG with heavy inspiration from the SNES classics, especially Chrono Trigger (I’ll probably cite CT many more times throughout this post 😬). It’s a love letter to these timeless classics, with modern mechanics and sensibilities.
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After finishing U.N. Squadron, I wanted to play something I never played before. A short, old school JRPG seemed like a good choice for the next few days, so I chose The Final Fantasy Legend, released in 1989 for the Game Boy.
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I wanted this to be part of the Mini Reviews 1 post to have an SNES game there, but I wasn’t able to finish it in time it’s a hard one. Like the other games in that post, I first played U.N. Squadron when I was a kid, around 8 or so I think. Back then I actually played the original Japanese version, which is called Area 88 (エリア88), which was based on a manga and anime of the same name.
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During the holiday break I used my Anbernic RG40XXV to play and finish 3 games I had played during my childhood, each one for a different console. It was a little weird playing them on a crisp LED screen, without the CRT TV blurring - they almost felt like different games than the ones I remembered 😂.
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Lufia & The Fortress of Doom is an old school SNES JRPG. It’s grindy, repetitive, and annoying sometimes, but it’s charming in its simplicity. It’s a 16 bit RPG with an 8 bit soul.
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There are many old games, particularly RPGs, from the 16-bit era that I want to play, or that I started playing when I was a kid and never saw the ending: Lufia 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 6, Phantasy Star II, Shining Force, to cite only a few.
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Some time ago I was spacing out and started thinking how doing combos in fighting games is a little like playing a music on piano. You have to get the inputs/notes right, at the right time, at the right rhythm, otherwise it doesn’t connect, it doesn’t sound right.
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Monotype is a short philosophical/horror visual novel about a virtual pet that’s made real. I don’t even remember when I put it in my Steam library, but I decided to play it as I’m trying to play more instead of buying more games.
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(post in Portuguese since this is a scam alert aimed at Brazilians) Sou um usuário ávido do Youtube e geralmente nem percebo as propagandas que aparecem no meio da lista de outros vídeos. Porém, nessa semana uma delas me chamou a atenção: 5 azeites de oliva Andorinha por R$89,90?
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